Eagle County Regional Airport Master Plan final community meeting Oct. 2

Eagle County Regional Airport Master Plan final community meeting Oct. 2

userway ADA

David Reid

Director of Aviation



Sept. 26
The Eagle County Regional Airport (EGE) is hosting the third and final virtual community meeting for its 20-Year Master Plan. The process has been underway since the fall of 2022 and is now ready for the final steps to approval. The virtual meeting will be held on Monday, October 2 at 6 p.m. 

As shared throughout the planning process, the airport continues to experience growth in passenger enplanements. Identifying and planning for meeting the forecasted demand, the airport has outlined a preferred long-range development plan. These enhancements and expansions include airside, terminal, and landside/roadway improvement projects. 

"While we have worked diligently to identify the potential improvements, the County Commissioners are the final decision-makers in determining if and when such projects will be undertaken. Public comment is invaluable to help inform them of community sentiment,” said David Reid, Aviation Director. 

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulates and often funds a large portion of those projects that ensure a safe, efficient, and well-functioning airport for the community and traveling public. The FAA funds are derived from users of the aviation system and may provide up to 90% of project funding. Private funds are also included for development of additional  general aviation improvements. 

“We are sincerely appreciative of the input we have received thus far from community members, elected officials, key stakeholders and business owners,” said Reid. “This input has helped to develop a meaningful and forward-thinking Master Plan to guide us well into the future.” 

Community members are encouraged to participate in the virtual Community Meeting on Oct. 2 and may also submit comments via the project website. For more  information about the Master Plan, visit
www.egemasterplan.com to find the meeting link, draft documents, and other related information about the Plan.
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